Tender Notices

Title -
Annual contract for engagement of manpower for cleaning and operation of jammed Paddle Feeders in Reclaim hopper, pocking of coal on coal yard gratings, sprinkling water on coal and looking after and maintenance of the CHP control room office garden, rearrangement of material/scrap materials at CHP store office/store, reclaiming overflow coal from running conveyors and any other jobs assigned by EIC Group-‘C’ Coal Handling Plant at TTPS, Lalpania for two year period.
Due Date & Time for Submission of Bid -
08-02-2023 | 12:00
Description -
Annual contract for engagement of manpower for cleaning and operation of jammed Paddle Feeders in Reclaim hopper, pocking of coal on coal yard gratings, sprinkling water on coal and looking after and maintenance of the CHP control room office garden, rearrangement of material/scrap materials at CHP store office/store, reclaiming overflow coal from running conveyors and any other jobs assigned by EIC Group-‘C’ Coal Handling Plant at TTPS, Lalpania for two year period.
Tender Document -
Tender Notice -
Online Bidding Url -

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